#1: Introduction

My name is Viviane Sassen. I'm a Dutch artist and photographer. I'm based in Amsterdam, and this is my very, very first show in China. And I'm very excited to be here in Shanghai at Fotografiska.

The title of the exhibition is "PHOSPHOR", and the word "PHOSPHOR" has been with me for a very long time. Somehow I've always been a fan of this word since I was 18 or so, I discovered it.

And I think "PHOSPHOR", it has just a beautiful symmetry, and also it resembles a little bit the word "PHOTOGRAPHY". And what I love about "PHOSPHOR" is it's something is radiating light from within. So that doesn't have a light source from without. But the light source comes from within. It has 30 years of my photography from the very early moments in the 1990s when I started photography till now. And this exhibition has both my art and my fashion photography. And I will show you around.